Solstice Peace Sign (December 21, 2015)

by AJ McGettigan, Shamanic Astronomer


2015 December Solstice Peace Sign

Solstice Peace Sign Configuration (December 21, 2015)

December Solstice of 2015

The sky surrounds everything we see. The sky also fills us inside. The space between the stars is the same space that holds the molecules of our physical form. The sky is alive. The life in you and me is the life of the sky. The sky is conscious and speaking. When we listen, we can hear it.

The solstice is a good time for listening. The word literally means “sun standing still”. The December Solstice marks the day when the sun rests at its southernmost position in the sky.

When I look at the chart for the 2015 December solstice, the first thing I notice is the peace sign formed by the grand trine of Moon, Jupiter, and Pluto with Mercury. The bottom part of the peace sign is formed with the position of Chiron with Neptune. Looking at the planets in the peace sign I sense a deep rhythm of discovery resonating with destinies for awakening and self-liberation.

Although Saturn is working constrictively with Neptune, Saturn also holds an ameliorating wide trine with Uranus. Neptune and Uranus balance across the Square of Pegasus in a harmonious relationship.  Neptune and Uranus speak of how developing one’s uniqueness enhances all unity and consciousness. Their resonance with Saturn tells us that we are discovering a new relationship with structure – one where structure serves the health of our uniqueness and unity.

The solstice sun rests in a novile with Venus. This aspect resonates with the joy in simply being. Mars aligns with the star Spica (also known as the Gift of the Goddess), while opposing Uranus.

This alignment brings both a great opportunity and a challenge. When we are attentive to our joy and we recognize the connectedness inherent in our uniqueness, we move ourselves along in a manner that begins to transform our relationship with structure. When our choices are conscious of the gift of our existence, the structure of the universe becomes increasingly responsive and supportive. The solstice grand trine indicates that opportunities for deep insights and discoveries can flow easily. The challenge comes with focusing our attention and choosing in a manner that resonates with the joy of our being. Our power of focus is the power to change our state. This solstice is a celebration and initiation into the power of our peace.

Solstice blessings, full with peace.


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