Solstice Sequence of Sextiles (June 20, 2017)

by AJ McGettigan, Shamanic Astronomer



Solstice Configuration (June 20, 2017)

There’s a very significant series of events happening in our sky between June and August.

All through these months, Jupiter and Saturn will be prominent in the night sky.  Look up after dark and you’ll see Jupiter conjunct Spica, the brightest star in the Virgo constellation.  We should respectfully address Virgo with her ancient designation as the Goddess constellation, acknowledging Spica as the gift of the goddess.  Jupiter visits with the goddess once every 12 years.  The conjunction of Jupiter and Spica overflows with potential blessings.

Saturn is conjunct with the galactic center through all of 2017.  Saturn visits this part of the sky every 30 years.  Saturn, as the ruler of structure, finds his true context when aligned with the galactic center.  All limitations and all structures have their boundaries.  The heart of our living galaxy is a testament to that which is larger and deeper than any structure in the cosmos.  Synergistically, Saturn is also forming a grand trine with Uranus and the asteroid known as Isis, the great mother goddess. A trine is a favorable positioning of two celestial bodies 120 degrees apart, and a grand trine is series of three trines together spanning the entire sky  (see the chart image).

Seeing Jupiter and Saturn so close to one another alerts us to the impending conjunction of Saturn, Jupiter, and Pluto that will happen in 2020.  A great cycle of renewal stands ready to begin.  Watching Jupiter and Saturn we can sense its building presence.  Jupiter is currently about 70 degrees from Saturn, or approximately a quintile.

Jupiter is still in the middle of its yearlong opposition with Uranus.  The Uranus–Jupiter cycle is about awakening and evolving.  Saturn trining Uranus catalyzes awakening and evolution in our relationships with structure and authority.  Watch for new insights; innovative solutions to the most stubborn of problems suddenly erupting from the deepest layers of consciousness.

Jupiter is also in the middle of a T-square with Pluto and Mars.  This alignment brings a potential for personal strife and societal stress.  However, a great array of influences lend immense support for healing and creative release.

Moon with Venus sextiles Mars and trines Pluto.  (A sextile is a sixty-degree angle.  It’s an angle that represents an opportunity for positive interactions between two or more related points.)  Neptune trines Mars and sextiles Pluto.  Neptune sextiles Moon and Venus.  These influences collectively bring opportunities to transform brokenness into connectedness, and to evaporate hatred with love.  Sun with Mercury sextile Uranus and Isis, brings opportunities for enlightened priorities and conscious realization.

One additional significant sextile will happen 62 days after the June solstice, when there will be a total eclipse of the sun.  The total darkness of the eclipse will fall across the United States in a 70-mile wide band running from Oregon to South Carolina.  On August 21, the Sun and Moon conjoin with the Moon’s north node, the bright star Regulus (also known as Cor Leonis, or the heart of the lion), and the great mother goddess Isis.  This Heart-of-the-Lion eclipse brings us all to a crossing point of darkness and light, and a moment of recognition.

Where we find ourselves presently—in the midst of all our challenges—is a place of discovery like no other.  We were born for this moment.  We were born to awaken here.

Not one day of your life
has been wasted
Every living moment
the expression
of blessedness

Don’t take anyone’s verbal description of any event as sufficient explanation for true understanding.  True understanding is sensory.  It is only your heart’s intelligence which can tell you the deepest meaning of any experience.

Sensory awareness is the heart’s knowing.

Take this moment.  Behold what overflows in your being.

Solstice blessings!


AJ McGettigan
Shamanic Astronomer


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